Senin, 24 September 2012

Justin miss Pattie

Selena Gomez boyfriend Justin Bieber says he behaves on tour, mainly due to fatigue, and at times misses his mother Pattie Mallette when he is on tour.

The 18-year-old singer always wanted to get rid of his mum Pattie Mallette when she used to go on the road with him, but now she's not around as much he pines for her help.
He said: ''I do miss her, yeah, I mean especially now being 18. Before when I was round her all the time, like, every day, I was getting sick of her and I would look forward to her leaving, like, 'Yes mom's leaving tomorrow!'

''And now I'm like, 'When is mom coming back?' Because I don't see her that often so you know it's funny how those things change.''

Although the 'Boyfriend' hitmaker - who is dating Selena Gomez - is one of the biggest stars in the world with access to the best clubs and bars, he claims he rarely has time to go out partying because he is always so tired due to his work commitments.
Speaking on UK TV show 'Daybreak', he said: ''I don't really go out ... I'm super busy, so by the end of the night I'm super tired ... We don't go clubbing, we just hang out low-key and just chill.''

Sabtu, 22 September 2012

Justin Got a kiss from his Fans in London

Heartthrob Justin Bieber was mobbed on the street by fans and paparazzi in London on Wednesday afternoon (September 12, 2012). The “One Less Lonely Girl” singer attempted to get through a legion of adoring fans and a wall of photographers when he headed out of his hotel in the capital where the young star was on a promotional tour for the release of his new memoir “Just Getting Started.” Sporting a pair of leather trousers and a salmon and grey top that he teamed with his favourite red trainers, Justin Bieber beamed and looked handsome as usual when he chatted away with some supporters and signed a few autographs. However, the global sensation then became uncomfortable and a little bit frightened as one overzealous teenage fan got a bit out of hand. The homegirl grabbed onto Justin with both arms, forcefully planting a kiss on his cheek.
Justin Bieber fan kiss

Jumat, 21 September 2012

Justin & Carly's Very Unlikely Duet

 First there was Sonny and Cher, then Donny and Marie, followed by The Captain and Tennille. Could fellow Canucks Justin Bieber and Carly Rae Jepsen be the next big musical duo? I'm going to go out on a (maple tree) limb and say probably not, but that doesn't preclude them from trying. Bieber and Jepsen released a sneak preview of a duet that will appear on Jepsen's upcoming album on Wednesday. The song, called "Beautiful," is a sugary sweet jingle about loving someone perfectly. "You're not trying to be perfect, nobody's perfect, but you are to me," the two sing. 

Okay, so there's something strange about this. While I will not go so far as to say that Justin Bieber "discovered" Jepsen — she had already appeared on Canadian Idol and released a successful debut album — he certainly did introduce her music to the American masses. Therefore, there's a degree of sense involved with the two recording a duet. I mean, if I were a rising pop star I would cling to Justin Bieber's coat tails for dear life. But did the duet have to be a love song?

Maybe it's ageist of me, but hearing Jepsen, 26, and Bieber, 18, sing about falling in love (presumably with one another) is icky. It also rings a bit false. In all of their appearances together, there has never been one iota of chemistry between the two stars. And we, as listeners, are supposed to buy that they are in love? I can hear the naysayers now, "But it's just a song! It's not real!" I know this. I also know that when I listen to this song, I hear two parts grafted together. It's hard to picture Jepsen and Bieber in the same room together, let alone serenading one another.

Bieber and Jepsen's voices, both adorably raspy, compliment one another and, I said before, a duet is only logical. But I don't think a cutesy ditty was the best way to go about this. A playful show of one-upmanship would have better suited their relationship. Not to mention, Jepsen's smash hit single "Call Me Maybe" took off not just because of its catchy hook, but because its lyrics were clever and original. The song is charming in its slightly deprecating self-awareness. "Beautiful," however, lacks the subtlety and cheekiness we love in "Call Me Maybe."

Instead of pouring on the sugar, Jepsen and Bieber should have added a little sauce. This song thoroughly scrubs Jepsen's already squeaky-clean persona of all character and its blandness ensures that this new duet will have none of the cross-over appeal of "Call Me Maybe." On the bright side, 27 million Beliebers are sure to love it. Take listen to "Beautiful" below — and tell us what you think.

Justin will Enjoy a Long Prosperous Career

The media tends to dismiss Justin Bieber as a "tween heartthrob" singing throw-away lyrics in a high-pitched voice that will deteriorate as he matures.

They couldn't be more wrong.

Justin Bieber is here to stay. Barring any tragedies, he will enjoy a long, influential career. Here's why:

1) Justin Bieber is intelligent. Sure, he's probably not an academic genius but one needs only an average to above average traditional IQ to succeed as a musician, singer, or actor. And I suspect his "academic intelligence" (as measured by traditional IQ tests) is probably above average anyway.

In addition to traditional IQ, which measures vocabulary, mathematical skills, spatial reasoning, processing speed, and the like ("academic intelligence"), Justin also enjoys exceptional "rhythmic/musical" and "interpersonal/emotional" intelligences.

Justin's musical intelligence is evident in his ability to not only sing on key but also his skill on the drums, piano, and guitar. He wasn't forced into music lessons by his parents. Rather he was internally driven to perform and understand music from the age of two. His mother, to her credit, accommodated his interests, despite a limited budget as a single mom in public housing. This is a guy who has music in his bones.

Justin also possesses an innate ability to understand his own emotions and harness them toward achievement of a goal. Of course, I'm speculating here since I don't know him personally but based on all I've read and watched, Justin appears to possess a high degree of self-awareness and emotional self-regulation. Although the concept of "emotional intelligence" is highly debated in academia, I doubt many would argue that it's not an asset to possess personality traits such as agreeableness, extroversion, openness, and conscientiousness, all of which Justin exhibits.

Justin Bieber also perceives and understands other people very well. This "interpersonal intelligence" is a significant asset for a person whose success relies in large part on his ability to relate to the public, particularly to his fans. Justin demonstrates this intelligence in the strong relationship he has developed with his fans via YouTube and Twitter. It's no accident that his name is one of the top trending topics on Twitter almost every day.

His interpersonal intelligence will also help Justin to anticipate, understand, and respond to his fans' emerging maturity as they age along with him. In other words, as Justin's pre-teen and teen fan base grows up, he will be growing up with them and appreciating, for example, his fans' increasing capacity for more complexity, nuance, and variety in his song writing and performances.

2) Justin Bieber magnetically attracts and appeals to a cross-section of people. A great early example of this appeal was his ability to earn $3000 busking at the age of 12. How many 12-year-old kids can sit in a public area playing the guitar and singing and earn $3000 in donations? Of course, his summer-time performances in Stratford, Ontario also speak to his discipline and determination, two traits essential to long-term success.

While there's no doubt that Justin's strongest appeal is with pre-teen and teenage girls, it's a mistake to assume that his music doesn't appeal to boys and adults. There are a number of boys on Twitter who follow Justin and participate in discussions about him (most of them declare "I'M NOT GAY" in their profiles, which speaks to why so many boys who like Justin's music won't admit it).

A recent poll on revealed that over half of the website visitors who said they "Can't get enough" of Justin's music were over age 18--with one quarter of the respondents being over 40. I suspect that there are a large number of "silent fans" of Justin Bieber who purchase his songs or albums, enjoy listening to his music, but are simply not very vocal about their appreciation of him.

The article in which that poll appeared highlighted the appeal of Justin's music to mothers. Or, as adroitly put by a teen girl on Twitter:

JBieberLoviees: jtlyk [just to let you know]: my mother loves @justinbieber. she just won't admit it. mom, when i catch u singin "u smile" its time to just admit it. u blew ur cover.

3) Justin has chosen to associate with strong role models, notably Usher and Scooter Braun (and, of course, his parents), and to accumulate an entourage of smart, successful, and supportive people. Scooter Braun deserves a good deal of the credit for helping Justin and his mother navigate the treacherous waters of labels, contracts, and publicity and for recruiting a team of advisers and supporting staff for the young star. Nonetheless, let's not forget that it's up to Justin to work with his team effectively, which from all reports it appears he does.

The old saying, "We are who we associate with" applies to Justin. In other words, he has accepted his mother's, Mr. Braun's and others' advice to associate with good people. People, such as Usher, who provide the social modeling, emotional support, guidance, and caring that almost all successful people need.

4) Justin understands the current trans-media environment and he utilizes it quite effectively. He has a strong narrative, which he articulates often, e.g., "To come from a small town in Canada, post some videos on YouTube, and achieve this kind of success is a blessing".

5) Justin is competitive. He's one of those boys, that we all know from our childhood and adolescence, who is constantly challenging himself to learn and conquer new skills and excel at a new game. Whether it's basketball, skateboarding, golf, bowling, or a half dozen other athletic and skill-based pursuits, Justin Bieber plays to win. This is not a guy who gives up when the going gets tough. He just works harder.

6) Justin Bieber has poise, in particular with regard to this definition of the word:

"a dignified, self-confident manner or bearing; composure; self-possession: to show poise in company." (

You need only watch him interacting with adults on television shows such as Chelsea Lately, the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Ellen, and The View to see how self-contained, self-confident, and prepared for almost anything is Justin Bieber.

Justin Bieber's intelligence (intellectual, musical, emotional, and interpersonal), universal appeal, strong social support, media savvy, competitiveness, and poise all suggest that he will enjoy a long and prosperous career as a singer, musician, songwriter--and perhaps more.

The First Eight Girls Justin Bieber Dated before He was Famous

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Kamis, 20 September 2012

Justin Bieber before Famous

"Baby" Hits Hall Billion

Congrats to Justin Bieber, because today March 29, ‘Baby’ hits half billion views on Youtube.

Wow… that’s 500,000,000 pairs of eyeballs.
However, the video racked up 1.1 million “dislikes” [HATERS] as compared to 578,000 “likes” from viewers. So more people DISLIKED the video than liked it but all that matters is that they watched it.

Watch BABY video!

Justin has over 8 Million followers on twitter, and we believe all Bieber FANS watch video BABY at least once on youtube, but why only 578,000 “likes” button? What’s going on? Where are the beliebers?
So beliebers, PLEASE consider to hit the LIKE button when you watch JB’s BABY on youtube.

Justin Bieber's Mom

"My mom is the strongest woman I've ever met," writes Justin Bieber, Mallette's son. "I've always known it, but this book has helped to remind me just how strong she is."
Lest we doubt his objectivity, Nowhere But Up -- helpfully subtitled The Story of Justin Bieber's Mom -- details Mallette's struggles and sacrifices, from a youth marked by sexual and drug abuse and feelings of abandonment to teen pregnancy and single motherhood.

"I've spent most of my adult life sifting through the tangled web of emotional wounds and the debris left by the darkness in my childhood," Mallette writes in Chapter One. We learn of the tragedy that devastated Mallette's family months before she was born; of the trail of molesters who made her believe she was "just a dirty girl," from a male babysitter to a friend's grandfather.
Nowhere But Up also chronicles Mallette's tumultuous relationship with Bieber's father, and the spiritual awakening she had when she was visited by a Christian counselor in a psychiatric ward, after a suicide attempt. (The book was co-written by A.J. Gregory, whose own titles include Messy Faith: Daring To Live By Grace and Silent Savior: Daring to Believe He's Still There.)

"I always wanted to write a book about my story," Mallette, 36, says in an interview. "I wanted to be as vulnerable as I could, so that young girls who have been through similar things could relate. I pretty much bared my soul. It definitely furthered my healing process."

Mallette uses that last term repeatedly inconversation. She calls Nowhere But Up part of her "healing journey," in which "faith has played a huge role. I'm really grateful to God and to all the people who have surrounded me and loved me."

She took others' sensitivities into account while writing Nowhere But Up, she says. "In sharing difficult moments, I wanted to find that fine line between truth and honor. I didn't want to blame anybody or shame anybody; we're all imperfect and we all make mistakes."

The book is at its sunniest when the focus is on Mallette's famous son, whom she describes as having been a precocious, energetic little boy whose musical gifts were rivaled only by his love of and affinity for sports.
Asked if she was wary of letting Bieber pursue a career in show business, given her own experience with unsavory characters who preyed on her guilelessness, Mallette says: "Absolutely. You hear all the horror stories about kids and teenagers in this industry, and I didn't want to throw my son to the wolves. I've done my best to protect him and surround him with good people."

Mallette allows that she can't watch Bieber's every move as closely as she used to. "He's 18 now and wants to be independent. But I still travel with him when I can. It's a bit of a whirlwind, but we've always been pretty flexible and spontaneous about it."

She adds that Bieber -- who just released a new book, Just Getting Started -- a follow-up to 2010's First Step 2 Forever: My Story -- has been a consistent cheerleader for her new project:
"He's really supportive, and really proud of me."

Justin Bieber's Riches

Having been in the industry for only five years, 18-year old Justin Bieber has indeed accomplished so much. It is quite difficult to believe that someone so young can achieve a lot at such an early age.

Justin Bieber’s Career
In 2007, 12-year old Bieber sang a version of Ne-Yo’s So Sick in a local singing competition in Stratford, Ontario, Canada. He placed second and his mom uploaded a video of the performance on YouTube for the consumption of family and friends. Bieber’s mom kept on uploading videos of his covers of different R&B songs which helped bolster his popularity on the internet.
Subsequently, Scooter Braun, a talent manager and former marketing executive of So So Def, stumbled upon Bieber’s Youtube videos and was impressed. He tracked him down and after some cajoling, he finally got his mother to allow him to fly 13-year old Bieber to Atlanta, Georgia to record demo tape. He was signed to Raymond Braun Media Group (RBMG), a joint venture between R&B singer Usher and Braun. In October 2008, Bieber was signed to Island Records, resulting in a joint venture between Island Records and RBMG.
Here’s a look at Bieber’s ventures in the entertainment industry:
  • Albums. To date, Bieber has released three albums, My World (released in two parts), Under the Mistletoe and Believe, which all hit the charts. His first album which carried the hit song Baby debuted number one in the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand and reached top 10 in 15 other countries. As of May 2012, he has sold over 15 million albums.
  • Concert. On June 23, 2010, Bieber launched his My World Tour in Connecticut to promote his My World and My World 2.0 albums. He grossed $150 million on 157 tour dates in two dozen countries.
  • TV Shows. Bieber had guestings in some television shows like CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.
  • Movie. A part-biopic and part-concert film entitled Justin Bieber: Never Say Never was released on February 11, 2011. It topped the box office with estimated gross sales of $100 million worldwide.
Earnings and Net Worth
Reports show that Bieber earned $53 million for the period May 2010 to May 2011 and $55 million for the period May 2011 to May 2012, bringing him a total net worth of roughly $110 million.

Business Investments
What makes Justin Bieber even more interesting is that apart from earning a lot of money at a young age, he has also been spending his money wisely as will be shown in the following investments he has made. Bieber only invests on products he likes and believes in. Currently, he appears keen on investing on private tech start-ups. Perhaps, this is his way of giving back, considering that his career was launched with the help of social media. He began investing in 2009.
Here’s a look at Bieber’s investments on businesses as reported on the June 2012 issue of the Forbes magazine:
  • Tinychat. This is a messaging platform. In January, he joined a $1.5 million financing round for this company with A-Grade, an investment fund run by actor Ashton Kutcher, Madonna’s manager Guy Oseary and billionaire Ron Burkle.
  • Stamped. This is a social curation app that allows users to rate various things like restaurants and music. He invested in this company in May by joining Google Ventures and Bain Capital.
  • Sojo Studios. This is a gaming outfit established in 2010. Bieber joined Ellen DeGeneres as an investor in this company. His favorite product is WeTopia, a free Facebook game similar to FarmVille, where players collect virtual points which can be redeemed as donations to real charities. According to Sojo Studios, it donates to charity half of the money it earns from advertising linked to its games. WeTopia earnings are donated to the following charities: Save the Children, BuildOn and the Children’s Health Fund.
  • Spotify. This is a disruptive music service founded by Daniel Ek. The founder recruited a number of recording artists to buy in the company while it established its credibility in the industry before it was launched in 2011. It is backed by everyone from Sean Parker to Li Ka-shing.
  • Viddy. This is a video-sharing app that has an interface similar to Instagram’s.
Note that Bieber’s investments are not your typical equity-for-endorsement trades. He actually invests cash into each business and very few of them have promoted their products’ links to Bieber. Braun reveals that Bieber’s portfolio is between 2% to 5% of his net worth. Forbes estimates Bieber’s venture investments at $3 million.
In addition to these investments, the Bieber fragrance Somebody debuted in June 2011 with $60 million in retail sales in its first six months on the market.


Apart from his business ventures, Bieber also reportedly owns the following properties:
  • Ducati Superbike 848 EVO. This $20,000.00-worth superbike was allegedly delivered to Bieber in April 2012. He reportedly picked out the arctic white silk model with a top speed of 159 miles per hour. It uses a wet clutch wherein the clutch mechanism is submerged in oil or some other lubricating fluid.
  • Fisher Karma. This is a $110,000.00-worth all-chrome and environmentally-friendly hybrid car. This was reportedly a gift from Bieber’s manager, Scooter Braun, for the singer’s 18th birthday. The car is impressive with its combination of the best elements of luxury and sports car with a high-tech hybrid engine that runs in all-gasoline and all-electric modes.
  • Calabasas, California Mansion. Bieber reportedly purchased this sprawling 9,000 feet luxury home for $6 million. It boasts of a large pool, a huge guest house and an ample garage. Bieber is expected to spend on making this property state-of-the-art by installing the latest high-tech gadgets. He plans to install a computerized system that will allow him to control everything from the bathtub to the blinds with his fingertips. There are also plans of installing a home cinema theater and a games room with the latest consoles and old arcade machines.
  • Hollywood Hills Mansion. Bieber allegedly purchased this $10.8 million property as an 18th birthday present for himself. Reports show, however, that Ashton Kutcher was leasing the property and bought it for himself after learning that Bieber was interested in purchasing it. The 9,400 square feet three-storey home overlooks the Hollywood Reservoir. It has five bedrooms, eight bathrooms, two living rooms, a floating dining room, a large kitchen with new appliances, a private movie theater, a bar, a fitness room, a massage room, multiple gardens, a swimming pool, balconies on the top two floors, built-in outdoor fire pits and an elevated spa.

Justin Bieber Christmas

Justin Bieber may be sharing Christmas jingles with the world, but it turns out the teen singer grew up in a Santa-free home. Why would mama Bieber not want her son to be a Santa Belieber?
Justin Bieber is one kid who grew up knowing all along that Santa didn't exist. "My mom always told me there wasn't a Santa," he recently told AOL Music. "This was her logic: She thought if I grew up knowing about Santa then finding out he wasn't real, that it would be like she was lying to me. And then when she told me about God, I maybe wouldn't believe her."

Justin Bieber
Applauding his mom, Pattie Mallette, and her decision to be "straight-up and honest with me all the time," the kid with advice on how to avoid LHS (lame holiday swag) didn't go so far as to spoil the fun for other kids. "I didn't tell my friends or ruin it for anyone -- I was a good kid!" he insisted.

Without Santa bringing presents to the Bieber home, the family invented a unique gifting tradition. "We played a game on Christmas Day where everyone brought a girl gift and a boy gift. You roll the dice and if you get doubles, you get to pick a present and if you don't, it's the next person's turn. Then, the next time you roll doubles you get to choose someone else's present and switch," he explained. "One time I really wanted a Game Boy but I ended up with pots and pans, which was disappointing. I think I gave them to my mom."
The best gift young Bieber ever received? He shared, "I remember getting my first red bike which didn't have training wheels on it. I was stoked. I thought it was the best present ever. It took me a little bit to learn how to ride it; I banged myself up, but I learned."

This year the teen sensation isn't clamoring after any particular toy or gadget. "To be honest, I really don't have any Christmas wishes this year... I just wish to be happy and that everyone be healthy in my family," he said. "And I wish that everybody gets to hear my Christmas album -- and hopefully like it!"
Do you think Justin Bieber's mom did the right thing to never let him believe in Santa?

Rabu, 19 September 2012

Justin Bieber Punks Taylor Swift

On the season premiere of "Punk'd" on March 29, Justin Bieber had some fun pulling pranks on his pals Sean Kingston, Rob Dyrdek, Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift.
Swift's punk was particularly memorable, as the singer was left in tears after Bieber made her believe she ruined a wedding. The premise: Bieber and his pal, Ryan Good, talked her into launching off a special firecracker that was sent to them. That firecracker launched off farther than they could have expected and set a boat on fire. That boat had a wedding party on it. And, Swift believed she ruined a couple's big day. Of course, she hadn't.

When CMT Insider asked if she would ever get back at him by, say, flour-bombing, she replied, "No, I'm not gonna do that to somebody! I love Justin. I would never do that to him and I'm not really that girl that's like, 'I'm gonna get him! I'm gonna get him back!' ... cause he's too smart. I'd never be able to punk him. Like, he'd figure it out, then turn the tables on me and then it would be Justin: two, Taylor: zero."
All eyes were on Swift throughout the specially designed prank, eyes that she later learned included the youngest members of the First Family when she caught up with Sasha and Malia at the Kids' Choice Awards. "They told me they saw the 'Punk'd' episode, so now I know they've seen me absolutely traumatized and terrified, so that was good."

Justin and Niall

Contrary to previous rumors/prayers of every 14-year old girl across the country, Justin Bieber and One Direction will not be collaborating on any music in the near future.
"We've never actually been asked by him," Liam Payne told E! News, while Louis Tomlinson added he doesn't even know if the two sides would mesh: "I think we both do quite different things. We make different music. He's doing his thing, and we're doing our thing.
However, Bieber and a couple One Direction members are cooking up something together: an actual meal of food!
Justin Bieber, Niall Horan and Zayn MalikJustin Bieber at Home
Niall Horan and Zayn Malik stopped by Bieber's house last night, following the MTV Video Music Awards, and shared the experience with a few million Twitter followers.
"At my house cooking some noodles with @NiallOfficial," Bieber Tweeted along with these photos, adding: "Guys night in full effect."
Earlier in the evening, Horan, Malik and their fellow group members took home three VMA trophies and also performed the smash "One Thing." All in all, in other words: not a shabby few hours.

Justin with Family

Justin & Selena In Toronto

Justin Bieber showed girlfriend Selena Gomez some love in his home country of Canada. The singer joined Gomez at the junket for her film, "Hotel Transylvania," over the weekend.
An eyewitness tells MTV News that the superstar was on hand as Gomez promoted the film at the Toronto International Film Festival, popping in and out of the interview rooms, including Gomez's, on Sunday.
But, that wasn't the only Bieber that Gomez was spotted with while in town to rep her animated family flick, as well as the much darker, much older "Springer Breakers." Bieber's baby brother and sister, Jaxon and Jazmyn, were by Selena's side on Saturday for the premiere of "Hotel Transylvania," which also stars comedy A-listers Adam Sandler, Andy Samberg, Kevin James, Molly Shannon and Fran Drescher.
That same day Bieber tweeted about landing in Toronto. He wrote, "Feels good to be back. #home." But it would be one day before the most famous of the Bieber siblings would be spotted with Gomez during TIFF.
In addition to being her official cheerleader while she's out promoting her latest slate of films, Bieber also wrote a song for the VMA-nominated Gomez for her next album. His pal confirmed the collaboration earlier this summer.
"He taps me on the shoulder ... 'Yo, I want to show you this song I produced and wrote. I'm really excited about it because it's one of the first songs I produced by myself,' " recalled. "The song was dope. He was like, 'Yeah, I wrote it for Selena. It's great.' And it was really awesome. It was really, really dope."
Gomez is not only working on new music, but she also has a roster of other flicks to keep busy with including "Parental Guidance Suggested," "Aftershock" with Eli Roth and the Ethan Hawke thriller, "Getaway."

Tracks Of Believe Album

No. Title Writer(s) Producer(s) Length
1. "All Around the World" (featuring Ludacris) Justin Bieber, Nasri Atweh, Adam Messinger, Nolan Lambroza, Christopher Bridges Messinger, Nasri, Nolan Lambroza 4:02
2. "Boyfriend"   Bieber, Mike Posner, Mason Levy, Matthew Musto Posner, MdL 2:53
3. "As Long as You Love Me" (featuring Big Sean) Rodney "Darkchild" Jerkins, Andre Lindal, Atweh, Bieber, Sean Anderson, Darkchild, Lindal 3:49
4. "Catching Feelings"   Bieber, Patrick "j.Que" Smith, Antonio Dixon, Eric Dawkins, Damon Thomas, Kenneth Edmonds The Pentagon, j.Que 3:54
5. "Take You"   Bieber, Rodriguez, Raphaël Judrin, Pierre-Antoine Melki, Ross Golan, James Abrahart, Alex Dezen, Ben Maddahi soFLY & Nius 3:40
6. "Right Here" (featuring Drake) Bieber, Chauncey Hollis, Aubrey Graham, Eric Bellinger Hit-Boy 3:24
7. "Fall"   Bieber, Mason Levy, Jacob Lutrell MdL, Lutrell 4:08
8. "Die in Your Arms"   Jerkins, Dennis "Aganee" Jenkins, Travis Sayles, Thomas Lumpkins, Kelly Lumpkins, Bieber, Berry Gordy, Alphonso Mizell, Freddie Perren, Deke Richards, Herb Rooney Darkchild, Aganee, Sayles 3:57
9. "Thought of You"   Bieber, Ariel Rechtshaid, Thomas Pentz, Bellinger, Ariel Rechtshaid, Diplo 3:50
10. "Beauty and a Beat" (ft Nicki Minaj) Max Martin, Anton Zaslavski, Savan Kotecha, Onika Maraj, Martin, Zedd 3:48
11. "One Love"   Bieber, Brandon Green Bei Maejor 3:54
12. "Be Alright"   Bieber, Dan Kanter Bieber, Kanter 3:09
13. "Believe"   Bieber, Atweh, Messinger, Lambroza, Tucker Messinger, Nasri 3:42
Deluxe edition bonus tracks
No. Title Writer(s) Producer(s) Length
14. "Out of Town Girl"   Bieber, Kenneth Coby, Graham Edwards, William Homer Soundz 3:33
15. "She Don't Like the Lights"   Jerkins, Lindal, Tiyon Mack, Bieber Darkchild, Lindal 3:59
16. "Maria"   Jerkins, August Rigo, Bieber, Scott Braun Darkchild 4:08

As Long As You Love Me

As Long As you Love Me
As Long As You Love Me
As Long As You Love Me

We're  under pressure,
Seven billion people in the world trying to fit in
Keep it together,
Smile on your face even though your heart is frowning
But hey now, you know girl,
We both know it’s a cruel world
But I will take my chances

As long as you love me
We could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broke
As long as you love me
I’ll be your platinum, I’ll be your silver, I’ll be your gold
As long as you love, love me, love me
As long as you love, love me, love me

I’ll be your soldier, fighting every second of the day for the change girl
You can be my Destiny’s Child on a stinger
So don’t stress, don’t cry, we don’t need no wings to fly
Just take my hand

As you love me we could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broke
As long as you love me
I’ll be your platinum, I’ll be your silver, I’ll be your gold
As long as you love, love me, love me
As long as you love, love me, love me

I don’t know if this makes sense, but you’re my hallelujah
Give me a time and place, and I’ll rendezvous, and I’ll fly you to it,
I’ll beat ya there
Girl you know I got you
Us, trust…
A couple of things I can’t spell without you
Now we are on top of the world, ’cause that’s just how we do
Used to tell me sky’s the limit, now the sky’s is our point of view
Man now we stepping out like wow (Oh God)
Camera’s pointed shoot,
Ask me what’s my best side, I stand back and point at you
You, you the one that I argue with, I feel like I need a new girl to be bothered,
But the grass ain’t always greener on the other side,
It’s green where you water it
So I know we got issues baby true true true
But I’d rather work on this with you
Than to go ahead and start with someone new
As long as you love me

As you love me
We could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broke
As long as you love me
I’ll be your platinum, I’ll be your silver, I’ll be your gold
As long as you love, love me, love me
As long as you love, love me, love me
As long as you love, love me, love me
As long as you love, love me, love me
As long as you love me

Justin Bieber - Boyfriend

Justin Bieber Tour Dates 2012 - 2013

Believe Tour

Justin Bieber Believe Tour

The Believe Tour is Justin Bieber's second tour. It will mainly support his new album: Believe. The tour will be in 2012 and 2013.

Justin Bieber Upcoming Shows Dates

Justin Bieber Tour Dates

September 29, 2012 - Arena, Glendale, United States

September 30, 2012 - MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas, United States

October 2, 2012 - Staples Center, Los Angeles, United States

October 3, 2012 - Staples Center, Los Angeles, United States

October 5, 2012 - Save Mart Center, Fresno, United States

October 6, 2012 - Oracle Arena, Oakland, United States

October 8, 2012 - Rose Garden Arena, Portland, United States

October 9, 2012 - Tacoma Dome, Tacoma, United States

October 10, 2012 - Rogers Arena, Vancouver, Canada

October 12, 2012 - Scotiabank Saddledome, Calgary, Canada

October 15, 2012 - Rexall Place, Edmonton, Canada

October 16, 2012 - Credit Union Centre, Saskatoon, Canada

October 18, 2012 - MTS Centre, Winnipeg, Canada

October 20, 2012 - Target Center, Minneapolis, United States

October 21, 2012 - BMO Harris Bradley Center, Milwaukee, United States

October 23, 2012 - Allstate Arena, Rosemont, United States

October 24, 2012 - Allstate Arena, Rosemont, United States

October 26, 2012 - Sprint Center, Kansas City, United States

October 27, 2012 - Scottrade Center, St. Louis, United States

October 29, 2012 - American Airlines Center, Dallas, United States

October 30, 2012 - Toyota Center, Houston, United States

November 1, 2012 - FedExForum, Memphis, United States

November 2, 2012 - KFC Yum! Center, Louisville, United States

November 4, 2012 - Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, United States

November 5, 2012 - Verizon Center, Washington, D.C., United States

November 9, 2012 - Izod Center, East Rutherford, United States

November 10, 2012 - TD Garden, Boston, United States

November 12, 2012 - Barclays Center, Brooklyn, United States

November 20, 2012 - Consol Energy Center, Pittsburgh, United States

November 21, 2012 - The Palace of Auburn Hills, Auburn Hills, United States

November 23, 2012 - Scotiabank Place, Ottawa, Canada

November 26, 2012 - Bell Centre, Montreal, Canada

November 28, 2012 - Madison Square Garden, New York City, United States

November 29, 2012 - Madison Square Garden, New York City, United States

December 1, 2012 - Rogers Centre, Toronto, Canada

January 5, 2013 - EnergySolutions Arena, Salt Lake City, United States

January 7, 2013 - Pepsi Center, Denver, United States

January 9, 2013 - BOK Center, Tulsa, United States

January 10, 2013 - Verizon Arena, North Little Rock, United States

January 12, 2013 - AT&T Center, San Antonio, United States

January 15, 2013 - New Orleans Arena, New Orleans, United States

January 16, 2013 - BJCC Arena, Birmingham, United States

January 18, 2013 - Bridgestone Arena, Nashville, United States

January 19, 2013 - Greensboro Coliseum, Greensboro, United States

January 22, 2013 - Time Warner Cable Arena, Charlotte, United States

January 23, 2013 - Philips Arena, Atlanta, United States

January 25, 2013 - Amway Center, Orlando, United States

January 26, 2013 - American Airlines Arena, Miami, United States

January 27, 2013 - American Airlines Arena, Miami, United States

February 21, 2013 - Manchester Arena, Manchester, England

February 22, 2013 - Manchester Arena, Manchester, England

February 23, 2013 - Motorpoint Arena Cardiff, Cardiff, Wales

February 24, 2013 - Echo Arena, Liverpool, England

February 27, 2013 - National Indoor Arena, Birmingham, England

February 28, 2013 - National Indoor Arena, Birmingham, England

March 2, 2013 - Capital FM Arena, Nottingham, England

March 4, 2013 - The O2 Arena, London, England

March 5, 2013 - The O2 Arena, London, England

March 7, 2013 - The O2 Arena, London, England

March 11, 2013 - Pavilhão Atlântico, Lisbon, Portugal

March 14, 2013 - Bizkaia Arena, Bilbao, Spain

March 16, 2013 - Palau Sant Jordi, Barcelona, Spain

March 19, 2013 - Omnisports de Paris-Bercy, Paris, France Palais

March 22, 2013 - Hallenstadion, Zurich, Switzerland

March 23, 2013 - Unipol Arena, Bologna, Italy

March 25, 2013 - Halle Tony Garnier, Lyon, France

March 28, 2013 Munich Germany Olympiahalle

March 30, 2013 Vienna Austria Wiener Stadthalle

March 31, 2013 - O2 World Berlin, Berlin, Germany

April 2, 2013 - O2 World Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

April 3, 2013 - Festhalle Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany

April 5, 2013 - Westfalenhallen, Dortmund, Germany

April 6, 2013 - Lanxess Arena, Köln, Germany

April 8, 2013 - Zénith de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France

April 10, 2013 - Sportpaleis, Antwerp, Belgium

April 13, 2013 - GelreDome, Arnhem, The Netherlands

April 16, 2012 - Telenor Arena, Oslo, Norway

April 17, 2012 - Telenor Arena, Oslo, Norway

April 20, 2013 - Parken Stadium, Copenhagen, Denmark

April 22, 2013 - Ericsson Globe, Stockholm, Sweden

April 23, 2013 - Ericsson Globe, Stockholm, Sweden

April 26, 2013 - Hartwall Areena, Helsinki, Finland

Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift

Justin with Selena

Mini Biography of Justin Bieber

Mini Biography
Canadian Justin Bieber is the son of a single mother, Pattie Mallette, who fell pregnant when she was 18 years old. As a child, Bieber showed a strong interest in music, teaching himself to play many instruments. When he was 12 he entered a local talent competition, and was placed second. His mother posted his performance on YouTube, and continued to post other clips of Bieber singing.

The videos soon built up a fan following, and caught the attention of talent agent Scooter Braun. Braun was able to secure an impromptu audition with Usher Raymond, who was impressed and helped Bieber to sign a record deal. His first single "One Time", was a worldwide hit and was certified Platinum in Canada and the United States. This was followed by Bieber's debut album, "My World", which was an international smash. He also released a successful concert film Justin Bieber: Never Say Never (2011).

Bieber continues with a hugely successful music career and has tried his hand at acting, including guest starring in an episode of "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" (2000). He has a large and loyal fanbase, who are said to have 'Bieber Fever' and are nicknamed 'Bielbers'.

Trade Mark
Hairstyle, aka "The Bieber"
Infatuation with the color purple

Discovered by Scooter Braun, who is also his manager.
Usher Raymond signed him to Island Def Jam Records, and beat out Justin Timberlake's hopes of signing the young singer.
Taught himself four instruments including the piano, guitar, drums. He hopes to learn the violin.
Can moonwalk.
The Dream produced and wrote his songs Baby and One Time.
His single "Baby" debuted at number 5 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.
Moved to Atlanta, Georgia to pursue his music career.
Born in St. Joseph's Hospital in in London, Ontario, Canada, however was raised in Stratford, Ontario, Canada . Lived the same area as Brendan Meyer, Seth Sieunarine and Shawn Roberts.
The craziest gift from a fan that he received was a rubber golf club.
Bought a Macbook Pro with his own money - one of his biggest purchases.
Likes the TV show "Smallville" (2001).
Started out by posting youtube videos in 2007.
His debut album was "My World".
His mom, Pattie Mallette, travels with him all the time.
Likes to play video games.
Met Céline Dion at a New York Knicks basketball game. She approached him and said my son loves your songs.
Plays guitar at many of his concerts.
Has performed with Rihanna at the Super Bowl Weekend concert in Miami.
Likes to play hockey and basketball.
Recorded a few songs with fellow singer Sean Kingston.
Has one day a week where he just relaxes.
Recorded "We Are The World" for Haiti. He got the opening verse, which was previously sung by Lionel Richie.
Dad still lives in Canada.
Wrote the song "Down To Earth" about his parents' seperation.
The executive producer of his first record, "My World", was L.A. Antonio Reid.
Has a twitter which he updates daily.
Is good friends with Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, and Chris Brown.
His father's name is Jeremy, and his mother's name is Pattie.
Plays the left-handed guitar.
Has a younger half-sister, Jazmyn (born 2008) and a younger half-brother, Jaxon (born 2009).
When he was child his church held a benefit to buy him a drum kit and 6 months of lessons.
His first time in an airplane was flying to Atlanta to meet his future manager Scott 'Scooter' Braun.
Performed with Chris Brown at a concert in Sydney, while the two were separately touring Australia. They performed Brown's song "Look At Me Now" together (2011).
Featured in the song "Next 2 You" with Chris Brown, a song on Chris Brown's 2011 album F.A.M.E.
Has performed for President Barack Obama twice.
Likes to give back and help charities.
Big fan of Michael Jackson.
Was Google's most-searched person in 2011.
As of June 2012, he had amassed 23 million Twitter followers and 44 million Facebook fans.
His debut song was "One Time".

Personal Quotes
I'm crazy, I'm nuts. Just the way my brain works. I'm not normal. I think differently. My mind is always racing.
[never plans on becoming an American citizen] You guys are evil. Canada's the best country in the world. We go to the doctor and we don't need to worry about paying him, but here, your whole life, you're broke because of medical bills. My bodyguard's baby was premature, and now he has to pay for it. In Canada, if your baby's premature, he stays in the hospital as long as he needs to, and then you go home.
I want to be a young dad. By 25 or 26 I want to see myself, like, married or start looking for a family

My World 2.0

My World 2.0 is the latter of two-part debut studio album from Canadian singer Justin Bieber, and is his first full studio release. The album is the follow-up to the first platinum certified half of the album, which was released on November 17, 2009, via Island Records, and 2.0 was first released on March 19, 2010. Bieber worked with producers and writers from his debut release, including Tricky Stewart & The-Dream and Midi Mafia, and several new including Bryan-Michael Cox, and The Stereotypes, among others. In addition to having a more dominant R&B feel than his first release, the album is described as edgier and more mature. In addition to the R&B sound, the album also combines it with pop and hip-hop sounds.

The album has received positive reviews, and debuted at number one on the U.S. Billboard 200, selling over 283,000 copies, making Bieber the youngest solo male act to top the chart since Stevie Wonder in 1963, and the first artist to occupy two top five spots on the chart since 2004. When the album sold more copies in its second week, Bieber became the first act since The Beatles to debut at number one, and sell more the following week. Bieber also had his second consecutive number one album in Canada, and in its second week the album peaked at number one in Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand. It also charted in the top ten of fifteen other countries. Bieber will support the album with his very first headlining tour, the My World Tour.
The album was preceded by the lead single, "Baby", featuring Ludacris, which was released on January 18, 2010, and two digital singles, "Never Let You Go" on March 2, 2010, and "U Smile" on March 16, 2010. "Somebody to Love" impacted radio as the album's second single on April 20, 2010, and "U Smile" impacted radio as the album's third single on August 24, 2010.

Selasa, 18 September 2012

Where Are You Now

Uhhohhh yeah
Where are you now
When I need you the most
Why don't you take my hand
I want to be close

Help me when I am down
Lift me up off the ground
Teach me right from wrong
Help me to stay strong

So,take my hand and walk with me,
Show me what to be
I need you to set me free

Where are you now...

Where are you now
Now that I'm half grown
Why are we far apart
I feel all alone

Where are you now
When nothing is going right
Where are you now
I can't see the light

So take my hand and walk with me
Show me what to be
I need you to set me free, yeah yeah

I need you, to need me
Can't you see me,
How could you leave me
My heart is half empty
Im not whole when your not with me
I want you here with me
To guide me, hold me, and love me now

Where are you now.... ohhhh...

Where are you now..oooo
So take my hand and walk with me
Show me what to be
I need you to set me free, yeah yeah

Ohhh....where are you now....oh...yeah...yeah...oh oh yeaahhh....